The Yorks Holgas

Photo Galleries > The Yorks Holgas

Holga Wanderings in the Yorks

Wandering Holgas from a summer family get away to our favorite Maine spot.

[ultimate_modal modal_title=”Holga Wanderings in the Yorks” modal_on=”text” modal_on_align=”left” read_text=”read more” modal_size=”medium” modal_style=”overlay-zoomout” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ content_bg_color=”#ffffff” header_bg_color=”#111111″ modal_border_style=”solid” modal_border_width=”2″ modal_border_radius=”3″ el_class=”.gallery-modal” img_size=”40″ keypress_enable_controls=”” header_text_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″ trigger_text_font_style=”text-decoration:underline;”]Wandering Holgas from a summer family get away to our favorite Maine spot – York Beach, Maine.  I spent many days of my youth in York and my family has a history going back over 70 years.  Seeing the images of Short Sands, with Fun O Rama and Bill and Bobs, brings back so many memories.

I played around with a couple of techniques here.  Some double exposures – I love the 33 Flowers and Double Bluffs images. Some extra exposures.  I love how the shadows play out on some of the shots up along Freeman Street – it was an extremely sunny day and I was really able to push the shadows in the lightboxing.

The wave shot – I sat on a ramp down to the beach for what must have been 30 minutes trying to capture a breaking wave.  Many shots between my digital and the Holga.  The woman sunbathing on the beach next to the ramp must have thought I was a lunatic.[/ultimate_modal]

33 Flower

Beach Fun

Bil & Bob’s Wires

Bowling Fun


Double Benches

Distorted Benches

Double Bank

Calm Sea

Double Bluffs

Double River

Double View

Low Tide – Burnt

Low Tide

Rocky Shore

Shadow Court

Shadow Path

Warren Street