Rome Holgas
Photo Galleries > Rome Holgas
Rome Holgas
A collection of Holga images from our 2010 trip to Italy, which included three nights in Rome.
The images in this set are from our wandering around the streets of Rome on a mostly cloudy day.
I love the Number 5 image of the graffiti on an ally door – it was really dim when I took the shot, so I had to really push things in lightboxing. This resulted in an image that really pops – it almost feels like the figure is going to step off the wall and walk towards you.
I also love the Dusk Street image – that was taken as the sun was setting and the light was growing dim. You can see the man on the left lighting lanterns outside of a small restaurant. Again – pushing the levels in lightboxing gives the image a dramatic feel, though the light from the cloudy sky breaks things up a bit.[/ultimate_modal]