Rome Holgas

Photo Galleries > Rome Holgas

Rome Holgas

A collection of Holga images from our 2010 trip to Italy, which included three nights in Rome.

[ultimate_modal modal_title=”Rome Holgas” modal_on=”text” modal_on_align=”left” read_text=”read more” modal_size=”medium” modal_style=”overlay-zoomout” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ content_bg_color=”#ffffff” header_bg_color=”#111111″ modal_border_style=”solid” modal_border_width=”2″ modal_border_radius=”3″ img_size=”40″ keypress_enable_controls=”” header_text_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″ trigger_text_font_style=”text-decoration:underline;”]K and I travelled to Italy for our 40th birthdays – the trip started in Florence, then Rome, and finally finishing in Sorento.  K had said she wanted to wake up on her 40th birthday looking at the Mediterranean and our hotel in Sorento had a balcony overlooking the sea – goal achieved.

The images in this set are from our wandering around the streets of Rome on a mostly cloudy day.

I love the Number 5 image of the graffiti on an ally door – it was really dim when I took the shot, so I had to really push things in lightboxing.  This resulted in an image that really pops – it almost feels like the figure is going to step off the wall and walk towards you.

I also love the Dusk Street image – that was taken as the sun was setting and the light was growing dim.  You can see the man on the left lighting lanterns outside of a small restaurant.  Again – pushing the levels in lightboxing gives the image a dramatic feel, though the light from the cloudy sky breaks things up a bit.[/ultimate_modal]

Number 5

Dusk Street

Rome Stairs

Rome Back Street

Top of the Steps

Rome Street Church



Vatican Yard

Vatican Tree

Vatican Palace

Vatican Orb