Red York
Photo Galleries > Red York
Overexposed York, Maine
Images of York Beach, Maine that are way over exposed because it was an extremely sunny day and i decided to shoot some long exposures of the local sites.
The Holga does not have a shutter aperture – there’s a setting that you set to either Sunny or Cloudy. That’s it. But you can also set the camera to keep the shutter open as long as you hold the shutter release down – this is great for low light shoots but when shooting in bright sun the image basically washes out on the negative.
When you first scan the image there’s usually just a big white square where you image is – it takes a little trickery to pull the image out of that abyss and as seen in these images, usually results in an almost burnt effect. Pretty appropriate – right?
I love seeing some of the local spots in this effect, but the rocky shores really draw my eye as it brings about an almost hell-like scape.
And the Nubble looks awesome in red.[/ultimate_modal]