A mixed collection of Holgas from our trips to one of our favorite cities.
[ultimate_modal modal_title=”Paris Street Holgas” modal_on=”text” modal_on_align=”left” read_text=”read more” modal_size=”medium” modal_style=”overlay-zoomout” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ content_bg_color=”#ffffff” header_bg_color=”#111111″ modal_border_style=”solid” modal_border_width=”2″ modal_border_radius=”3″ el_class=”.gallery-modal” img_size=”40″ keypress_enable_controls=”” header_text_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#000000″ trigger_text_font_style=”text-decoration:underline;”]There’s a mixed bag here. Our first trip to Paris was in 2014 – it was over my birthday so the city was in full Christmas mode, which was great. The first couple of images are from that trip – I stumbled on the locks at the top of a stairwell on Ile Saint-Louis. This was at the top of a stairwell down to the quai and the lamppost was immediately to the side of stairwell.
I love the image of the underbelly of the Eiffel Tower – you never know how things are going to turn out with the Holga. You just look through the viewfinder, click, and then hope. I was really pleased with the alignment of the first platform of the tower.[/ultimate_modal]