Holga Dreamscapes
Photo Galleries > Holga Dreamscapes
Double and Ghost Images
Taking advantage of the Holga’s lack of mechanics can generate some amazing images.
This can create what looks like ghost images – like the dock in the first image, which was shot in Greenport LI. The first shot was framed looking down the dock towards the water and then the second was framed around Shelter Island. Another approach to the ghost image is to take a shot and then reframe on the same subject but at a slightly different angle or shifting the camera slightly to the left or right – this generates images like the Ghost Eiffel and the Ghost Spires, which was shot in Seville, Spain.
Sometimes the resulting imagery is dramatic, like the Double Bridge or the Double Rocks. And sometimes the double effect is very subtle like the Ghost Sphinx shot at Chenonceau, France or the Ghost Graves shot a the Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris.[/ultimate_modal]