Double Paris Light
Photo Galleries > Double Paris Light
Double Exposure Paris – Sunny Days
Sunny days in Paris are perfect for Holga double exposures – the medium format film really captures the bright colors brought out by the sunshine.
Paris Double Exposure Holgas on a Sunny Day
These images were shot over a couple of sunny days in Paris and showcase the double exposure capability of the Holga. When shooting on sunny days I love to shoot a subject and then double expose with the sky. Another technique is to shoot the same subject but slight off focus – either on top of one another or side by side. Both of these approaches work well when the sun is really bright as both images bleed into each other. But it’s important to have both subjects in bright light – if one of the focuses is too dark it can be completely obscured but the brighter image.
I had a lot of fun shooting the mooring rings on Ile Saint-Louis – these rings can be found all around the Seine and were used to secure boats. One of my favorite images in this set is the Reversed Rings – the approach to that image is exact what it sounds like. I leaned up against the wall facing north first and then walked passed the rings to shoot them again while facing south.
My other favorite subjects here is the Fountaine des Mars in Place de la Concorde and the Lions shot in Jardin du Luxembourg. Both were shot on the same day with brilliant sunlight. The shots of the fountain are awesome as the sun reflects off of the gold in the statue while the bright blue of the sun bleeds through perfectly.